Friday, July 07, 2006


Last night, we heard peeping coming from the nest and this morning when Momma Robing flew off for her breakfast, I snuck a peak! A baby only a mother could love taking a morning nap. Don't be alarmed - Momma bird is back on the nest and my peak didn't seem to be noticed.

Monday, we found a Robins nest in the lilac tree near our barn. 2 Perfect blue eggs!


Busymom51 said...

The eggs are gorgeous. The baby...well, I'm sure s/he WILL be gorgeous. I must be a true yarn addict because my first thought upon seeing those eggs was "I would kill for a sweater that color!"

turtlegirl76 said...

Oh how precious! How lucky are you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love birds! How lucky that you found a nest in your yard!

Abigale said...
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Abigale said...

Good job on sneaking the pics in of the baby and the eggs without freaking out the momma bird! I'm impressed :-)

Hope you're enjoying your weekend - I know I am - it's hot but nice here.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Oh robins! We had some breeding in the ivy at our house last summer. So cute and such perfect eggs.
This year they bred somewhere else, but come visit every day.

Annie said...

Ooh, I'm jealous! We got them at my parents house on the Cape, but I haven't seen any good nestage since I've been in the Boston burbs!!

String Bean said...

The eggs are lovely and I'm sure the baby will be. I love seeing baby animals in the wild.