The Inn at Crystal Lake in Eaton, NH. This is where we are going for a delightful dinner this evening. The views and food are supposed to be spectacular! But before we go, I need to reminesce a little.
I was just 17 when I met the most wonderful man - of course, I overlooked him completely! I worked at a sandwich/coffee counter at a drug store after school and one of the salesmen used to come in every day for coffee and a sandwich. ( I did notice that he was a good tipper even if I didn't think twice about him being a potential date!).
I am a chatterbox and would talk to all of my customers endlessly! The regulars got used to their daily updates on the high and low points of my life. One afternoon, I had just got done explaining to the counter full of regulars that I was unattached ( my last boyfriend had been a troll in disguise!) and that my birthday was Saturday night and I didn't have a date! I was 17 and totally self-consumed with my own life! AWWWWW - 17! I jokingly asked the customers at the counter, "So , what are you guys going to get me for my birthday?". The salesman spoke up and said, "I am taking you out for dinner!". Oh my goodness, what had I just done? I had no way out, he knew I had no plans for my birthday and for the life of me I couldn't come up with one reason not to go out with him!
So we made plans for the date. I had him pick me up at work (I wasn't sure I wanted him to know where I lived), I barely made an effort to get dressed up, and I had to pick up my little sister from a high school dance (so I would have to be back early)! Not my usual for a Saturday night. I was sure this was a one time thing and I would not ever go out with him again.
When he picked me up, I was totally impressed. He was dressed to the nines, had gotten a hair cut, and had polished his Pontiac Firebird (OH GOD am I dating myself or what?). He was the best thing I had ever seen. Dinner, Dancing, and a Moonlight Kiss followed and I really kicked myself for having made plans to pick up my sister at the dance!
6 weeks later we were engaged and 6 months later we were married. 29 years of ups and downs. 29 years of falling in love with him over and over again. I like him so much better today and love him more than ever - I didn't think that it could be possible! I still get excited when he comes home and he is the most handsome man I have ever seen! His kindness and patience with the trials and tribulations of life have saved me from going off the deep end several thousand times and for the most part in the last 10 years, he has been there for me more than any other human being could ever hope for! Don't get me wrong - we have had some incredibly rocky times in our marriage but as I think about those times - they just make today a day of joy and celebration!
Oh and by the way - I just want to share the greatest things that Tom and I have ever done!

Our son, Tom

Our daughter, Lyndsay
Thanks to both of you for so many years of pride and joy! We are truly lucky that somehow you picked us as parents. We love you both and could not be prouder of what wonderful human beings that you have become.