Here is my newly cleaned out WIP basket. Knitting that has frustrated me or just doesn't suit the yarn gets thrust into this poor basket on our fireplace hearth never to see the light of day again! But yesterday - it got a good cleaning and I was amazed at how many UFOs I found that just needed a few more rows or a matching mitten to be completed! I had forgotten so many of these projects that I had a hard time remembering which pattern I had used - so some knitting projects were finished with a little flair of their own!

Baby socks, Baby hats, and baby mittens all got their finishing touches!

Yesterday, I worked for a few hours at the hospital and got a really bad vibe about the mood of the hospital. A Medivac helicopter flew in to take out a patient - this happens often but there was something different about the buzz in the hospital. Not knowing what was going on, I left the hospital after my short shift and got into my car just as the helicopter was taking off. In the car, the radio was running nonstop news bulletins about a shooting in our little vacation town. HORROR. Most major roads had been closed and several people had been killed. The freakin psycopath shooter was on the loose and the SWAT teams had been called in to search for him. I decided to head home and wait it out. Frequent news bulletins and my UFO basket kept me busy for the day - Hubby came home safely and early due to the fact that he could not drive around town due to the search. We watched movies and locked the house securely - wondering how in the world this could have ever happened in our quiet little town which has welcomed thousands of people to enjoy the 4th of July to play in the mountains and lakes all around us. I am always in total awe of the things that people do-------- the thought of harming another human being is just not a thought process I could ever put together. There is so much of it in the world and it just makes me so sad. This morning, the killer is still on the loose and the whole town is in shock. Off to work I go with thoughts and prayers for the families who lost loved ones yesterday. I will never understand the taking of a human life - I hope I never do.
Oh, my gosh Sue I can't believe it...the White Mountains are so gorgeous and to have something like that happen...I am shocked...
I have lots of wip also and should do what you have done...maybe I will do that this weekend..
Happy 4th.
I heard that on the morning news today. Very scary.
Sue, Lyndsay told me what was happening and then I saw all of the news coverage. I am just so grateful that you and Tom are safe. I share your amazement at how people can do the things they do sometimes. The act of harming another creature is so abhorrent, yet it has become almost commonplace today. So frightening!
It's so scary when people go nuts and go on a shooting rampage. It's even scarier that the guy is still out there! I hope they catch him before he can harm any more innocent people.
Your ex-WIPs are all so cute! You're inspiring me to finish mine faster.
The scary part....he was from my town....at least they found him.
So sad, so scary. I'm glad you and your loved ones are ok.
Your finished projects look fantastic!
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