HELP!!!! I am lost in the KNITTING BLACK HOLE!! The more I knit - the less seems to get done! I knit and knit and knit but there seems to be no end in sight! I knit for an hour and get 1/4" ahead of where I was before! That is what I get for using teeny tiny needles and choosing complicated stitches.
The red is the beginning of a baby sweater with 8 3/4 inches of seed stitch on size one needles. I have completed 8" but it is like pulling teeth to get me to get the last 3/4 " done so that I can begin the cable work!
I am sure at some point the Knitting Goddesses will show me some progress but for now, I will continue to slug along in hopes that these beautiful knitted goodies will be done before I die! I keep thinking that maybe I should start a new project on larger needles just to get some sense of accomplishment but I am afraid all of these projects would go to the back of the basket! Oh well - wish me luck (and patience)
I know just what your saying....but when it takes more shape it will be wonderful....I just finished a baby sweater and thought it would never be done...
I know that feeling. I'm experiencing it right now. This, too, shall pass.
That is how I feel every time I see one of your gorgeous finished objects! But you often use teeny needles, always with gorgeous results! Hang in there- it'll all be gorgeous when it's done!
I can SO relate to your dilemma... if this $%*#@ shawl for my sister takes much longer I may have to strangle her with it.
Mary Ann
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