I started to knit a swatch for a hubby sweater this morning. This is KnitPicks Shamrock yarn in OReilly. Ever since I finished my kangaroo pocket sweater last fall, he keeps asking me to make him one. I will see if he likes this yarn before starting it. He is such a big fan of my knitting! How lucky can a girl get?
I have just had a few crazy weeks and haven't been able to finish anything. Once again, I find myself in the middle of a bunch of projects that are almost done but can't seem to be able to finish just one thing. Instead, I jump from project to project - finishing an inch here and a sleeve there but never quite getting one thing done. Also, one of my projects needs to be steeked before I can knit any more - A process that always slows me down. I need a large glass of wine or to be in an absolutely courageous mood to actually cut through my knitting!
My sweet daughter fell and broke her ankle last week. She has been in so much pain! I got over there last week for a few days to help out around the house and keep her company but wish I could just stay by her side. I knit a little while I was there but my concern for her far outweighed my need to knit. I think that is why my knitting is so scattered in the last few weeks - worry always gives me attention problems.

I just started reading this new novel about knitting. I read somewhere that Julia Roberts has already signed on to play the lead in the movie! I guess she is quite an accomplished knitter herself. So far, it is really good and will let you know how it is when I am finished.
I ordered 2 new knitting books this week - the new Stephanie Pearl McPhee book - Cast Off and More Sensational Knitted Socks. I'll review them in a later blog.
TaTa for now! Sue
The yarn is purdy! like that! I need to knit something tweedy-seems to be the thing right now. Cutting into knitting? You mean like steeks? {rummages around looking for his Xanax} Not this boy ;-) I'm happy when it all comes together, I'm not cutting into anything LOL!
I love that pink cat baby sweater you did too! Tried to comment yesterday but Blogger wasn't having any of that.
That yarn is beautiful! I've been looking at it for a while, but have never actually seen anyone knit with it. I like it!
It isn't hard to be a fan of your knitting. Your knitting is beautiful.
The Shamrock will make really good sweater! Can't wait to hear how it knits up for you! That book...is..so..good..and that's all I have to say about it ;) until you read it!
Hi Sue -- The kangaroo sweater has great potential, and those rinestones on the kittys were the perfect touch! (I don't get much computer time these days, so I end up commenting on all the entries at once!) Hope your daughter is feeling better.
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