Dear Yarn Goddess,
I know that I have turned my back on you and have spent the last 3 months not worshipping you as I should. I have refrained from adding lovely, soft, and vibrant yarns to my overflowing stash. No matter what the price or need to buy, I have abstained from all knitting shops and on-line yarn sales. This is my apology and hope that you will correct my yarn karma to me.
I tried. I went to my favorite yarn store last Sunday and tried desperately to add to my yarn collection but alas they did not have color or texture that called to my senses. Hubby held my shopping basket with anticipation as I fondled and pleaded for the right colors - but to no avail. Darling Husband was also disappointed in me when I walked out empty handed.
So, I ordered online. A sale on Dale of Norway Baby Ull at 20 % off made my credit card fly from my purse and although it was a small purchase, I felt that I had regained my yarn mania in some small way. An e-mail from the company quickly followed stating that they were out of the color that I had ordered but it would be coming in in the next shipment and I should receive my peach Baby Ull within 10 days. I waited with baited breath and on Friday my package arrived. I ripped open the package to find THE WRONG COLOR!!! They had sent me baby pink instead of baby peach - a flurry of e-mails ensued and my correct order is already in the mail.
Once again, I apologize for my insensitive treatment of you. I will get back on the wagon and begin to increase my stash beyond human imagination. I know that I still have many closets and areas for hiding the growing yarn collection and I will work diligently to restore my good name with you. Please allow the correct color of Baby Ull to land upon my doorstep so that I may finish a lovely baby sweater and I will be forever in your debt.
Your friend in yarn, Sue

I am making this same sweater! I am almost to the steeking part, but haven't got the guts to do it yet. I can't wait to see yours!
That is such a cute sweater! I am in awe of people who have the courage to try steeking without the aid of valium or some such. Can't wait to see the finished sweater!
Who says that I don't need valium or a good stiff drink in order to steek? I still have an afghan that I need to steek but just can't bring myself to cut all of that yarn!!!!
Your knitting is all so beautiful. I really love the baby sweaters
what the heck is steeking?
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