Thuja socks made with gorgeous Trekking XXL yarn! What a pain though - I gauged the yarn and the only size needle I was happy with was size 0! I thought," What the heck", I can do it. Well 3 weeks later, they are done and they are GORGEOUS!
Do you like my new sock stretchers? I said I was on a yarn diet but never said anything about knitting accessories! HEEHEE!!! I love the way that they make the socks look. I got them on ebay and am delighted to own these beautiful hand made sock stretchers. After all the work that went into these socks, it is great to see them on the stretchers rather than just folded in my sock drawer. I think that I will leave them out for a little while - just to admire them!
They are beautiful!
I have some Trekking I haven't used yet, you're inspiring me.
I love them! The color is beautiful. Now I have to get some sock blockers too. When you take the time to knit socks on 0s, you might as well treat them with the respect your effort deserves!
They are beautiful! I'm working on a pair of Thuja's myself..but not on 0's!! Wow! I've never used them..yet ;)
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