I know what you are thinking - this is supposed to be a knitting blog but with the holidays approaching so quickly I thought I would share a little.
I would like you to meet Silent Bob. Silent Bob (my kids named him long ago) was a Christmas school project that my son made when he was in first grade. Silent Bob has been sitting on the hearth everyday for 15 years since he was presented to me by a cherub faced little boy who was so gleeful at his completed snowman that I thought he was going to burst. Every year when I am putting away the Christmas decorations, I pick up Silent Bob and remember the sweet faced boy and Silent Bob never quite makes it into the decorations box. Silent Bob got a makeover last year with a newly knitted hat and a new ribbon around his neck.
This is the 10 foot tall pine tree that sits on the hill next to the house. My son brought it home when he was in kindergarden and he proudly planted it with the help of his dad. The tree was little more than 6 inches tall and we never thought that it would live -especially because the kids were constantly sledding over it when they were little and the snow called them to this little hill with sleds in hand. It now stands tall and proud - just like me whenever I think of that little boy and his sister with the ruby red cheeks - sledding down that hill with the dog chasing them the whole way. Those beautiful little faces that would sit and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows after a long afternoon of sledding.
Thankyou to my wonderful son and daughter for all of the memories that you have given me at this time of year. You are my blessings.

I'm glad you added ME in at the last moment! I always knew you liked him best! PFFFFT....
Oh, I love the handmade Christmas decorations! They are my favorite. Silent Bob is awesome!
What a perfect example of what the holidays are REALLY about! The traditions are what makes it special. You gotta love the tenacity of that little tree!
Hope to see you one of these days SOON! I miss laughing with you.
Mary Ann
Silent Bob rules. I hope Her Highness graces me with those kinds of memories.
I love Silent Bob! My dad has this completely ruined, old crappy hot balloon globe thingy I made out of paper mache when I was in second grade, and it still hangs in his office. (He also has all our baby teeth, collect by the tooth fairy, in his sock drawer- who says mom is the sentimental one?)
What a lovely post!
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