I shamelessly stole this picture from the Yarn Harlot's blog - yes I couldn't help myself. I want one! Actually I would like a herd of Stash Weasels and this is how I would use them.
Can you imagine having a bevy of these delightful creatures whose only job in the whole world is to care for your yarn stash. They would primp and preen and smooth your yarn. They would pick up any wandering balls of alpaca and cashmere and carefully snuggle any stray wool ends back into their cozy little niches. If a stray bug or critter dared to enter the yarn domain the Stash Weasels would hunt them down and make short order of them (thus they would be self feeding). The Stash Weasels would also take great pride in winding skeins of yarn into perfect balls without any tangles or knots.
The best would be taking these little guys yarn shopping. I would lovingly place my Stash Weasels in the back of the car and they would giggle and sing all the way to the yarn store - just like me! When I would bring my new wool purchases back to the car, they would begin to preen and purr over the yarn and would become watchdogs so that the yarn would remain safe for the rest of my journey.
Once home, there would be no need to remove the overflowing bags to the house in front of Darling Husband or other prying eyes. In the dark of the night, the Stash Weasels would strap on their head lamps and like Navy Seals begin the daunting task of securing the yarn to it's tactical areas without alerting enemy intelligence. All yarn and knitting paraphenalia would be stealthily moved and deposited without notice and the Stash Weasels would settle in for a nap with noone the wiser.
If I could only teach them to sew together my finished projects - I would be all set!
I thought stash weasels were a bad thing? Misplacing balls of yarn in places not to be found until after you've purchased more and the like. Yours sound like fun.
Too funny mumsy....hehehehe.... are they relatives of the north american butt weasel?
Love the navy seal bit!
That's the cutest thing ever :D I'd like one too :D
- Anett -
Bwahaha!! I want one, too!!
Who wouldn't want a stash weasel? It's cute!
Love this idea! Maybe we could crosstrain some of the bezillion squirrels in my backyard to do the job. Isla is a first class squirrel herder so she could be their manager. She would love the job!
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