What a great week for finishing knitting projects! These two are straight off the needles. The Princess sweater above is a size 12 months from the SandnesGarn 0305 book made from Lanett yarn in a bright pink with a crocheted silver crown and trim. I thought that I had forgotten how to crochet but it came back fairly quickly. The lace sleeves and the scalloped edging are the perfect finish for this sweet baby sweater. Hubby thinks that it is toooooooo pink - but I can just see a beautiful baby girl in it!

Some more gorgeous colors with Thuja socks made with Lorna's Lace's Shepard Sport in 100% wool - Purple Iris. Little Knits was having a sale and I just had to indulge and try this yarn. I have a feeling that these will end up under the Christmas tree for Darling Daughter. Every time she visits - I find her caressing them lovingly!
Note to self - This yarn has an incredible softness and must become a regular on the needles!
Love the socks - the colors are very cool. I love Lorna's Lace as well - they make almost ridicuously soft and comfy socks!
They are both beautiful projects! I have never tried LL but will soon. I swear it's the only sock yarn I don't own.
That is so so beautiful!
Thuja turned out great! I love the swirly stripey effect! And the sweater is darling.
I love that sock yarn and how it pooled for you. And that sweater is going to be delightful for a little princess!
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