I am a typical Type A Personality and once I make up my mind that I will do something - everyone get out of my way. I had so wanted to make these geometric socks out of Noro Kuryeon that I spent 2 very frustrating days trying to make the GD pattern work. Through bloodied fingertips and multiple handwritten worksheets - the swearing went on. I was determined to make my very own pair. The pattern calls for a size 3 needle - What are you kidding me? Even at a size 5 - that was still way too tight. The pattern was written wrong - so I had to rewrite the whole thing as they left out a few k2tog and ssks.But on the third day of knitting disaster - I had an EPIPHONE!

Not only did these socks not look right but if I finished them, they were going to be so scratchy - I would never wear them. Why would I want to use $25 worth of gorgeous yarn for a pair of socks that would only hold horrible memories of a knitters nightmare and scratch the H.... out of my feet!

Off to the frog pond - Noro safely back to it's original state and I am happy once again. My family will never quite be the same after the melt down that occured during the shredding of the pattern followed by a bonfire of the magazine. I do not have to make something just because I plan to make it. Thankyou Knitting Goddess for the Lesson ---UMMMMMMMMMMM---- Breathe deeply and repeat --- Knitting is fun ---Knitting is relaxing --- I am a good knitter --The designer and pattern writer for this pattern should take a long trip to the woodshed for this one!
I can just picture some sadistic pattern designer gleefully rubbing hands together and muttering something about sending knitters over the edge and committing hari-kari on their needles with a flawed pattern... good for you for standing up to the meanies! Life's too short to have itchy socks that cost $25!!!
Noro is fantastic stuff, but no yarn is good enough to survive a terribly written pattern. Have you complained?
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