Darling Husband is getting picky about what I make for him. Not that that is a bad thing - you have to give the guy credit for always being interested in every fiber in every yarn store we visit. He doesn't sit on the bench out front of the shop and look at his watch every 30 seconds or groan when he sees my purchases. No, he touches and asks questions about every yarn that I have not worked with.
He knows the difference between a knit stitch and a purl stitch and fair isle and cables. When the phone rings and it is for me, he always asks the caller to hold on for a minute until I am finished with the row! So we visited Scarlet Yarns in Lancaster NH last week and he got his hands on some Fixation socks and just had to have a pair! I wasn't too sure if I would like working with it because I am not a stretchy yarn kind of knitter but his gorgeous green eyes made me buy a few skeins and get to work. I have to say that I really hated this yarn at first - too stretchy - too hard to see the pattern - too difficult to see if they were going to be the right size. After several attempts at Thuja from Knitty.com, I finally got it right and these just flew off the needles. I had to post them quickly because Hubby had to wear them today! Something about the weather and how his feet wouldn't sweat in them - HEEHEE! I think I will have to add Fixation yarn to the stash and make him a few more pairs.

The sad news of the day - I have knit a few baby sweaters from Dale of Norway (okay a few hundred). So I decided that it was time to make one for me! I bought this gorgeous yarn at a huge fair several years ago and had been waiting for the perfect pattern to make ME a Dale sweater. I found a pattern that I loved and went to town - it just never looked right and although I had way more yarn than the pattern called for - I seemed to be running out quickly. So it is back to the frog pond for this one. This yarn just did not want to be this sweater - yes I did the proper swatching and followed the directions to the letter but after finishing the front and back - I only had 2 skeins of yarn left! I tried it on and I definitely would have looked better in a garbage bag so yesterday morning was spent carefully unraveling a few weeks worth of work - I am okay. I did not loose my mind or the desire to use this yarn. I started another pattern with it yesterday and it just may work. Let's all keep our fingers crossed!
I love the fixation yarn...it is one of the very first ones I tried when I started making socks...Also have wanted to make a Dale of Norway sweater but have never had the guts to try....yesterday while at the yarn store thought I would see what they had....nothing......so I guess if I want Dale of Norway then I have to search the internet...oh, and my hubby doesn't mind going to the yarn store with me...he has even tried his hand at the drop spindle.
Good luck! Too bad the first sweater didn't work out, but I'm sure your new attempt will be better. Sometimes, yarn just doesn't want to be a certain item, and that's that.
I can't wait to see your sweater. I am not a fan of fixation, but have some in my stash from a while ago.
You're lucky to have your hubby. He's a keeper, and he's got good taste. ;-)
Listen to the yarn. It'll always tell you what it wants to be.
Nice looking socks!!
Good luck with sweater! You so deserve one for yourself that fits! :)
Fixation Yarn is a little hard to work with at first but then it is lots of fun. They even have their own KAL at http://cascadesockkal.blogspot.com/ to make fun little sneaker socks. Sorry to hear about the sweater but you'll figure it out... I can't see you hanging around the frog pond for very long! :-)
Mary Ann
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