Sometimes, I see a blog or pattern and nothing can stop me from putting down every other project and just knit up the most gorgeous things! I stopped over on Zonda's blog one day and caught a glimpse of this beautiful baby blanket - I was on a mission. Dawn Brocco's Flower Baby Blanket just had to be made for the grandbaby trousseau. Can't you just see this wrapped around a beautiful baby girl? I sure can.
I copied Zonda and made it out of Lion Cotton Ease Yarn (rather than the wool yarn that it called for) because it would be softer and better to cover baby - no matter what the time of year. It is so soft! Double stranded on size 10.5 needles, the pattern was clear and concise with lots of short rows to produce the perfect petals.
I was very unhappy with Lion's color selection for Cotton Ease because I wanted the bright colors and nothing less. I found a seller on Ebay with enough "Bubble Gum and Lemon " Cotton Ease that I could make this project without worry. Cheap price and low shipping - order and wait. I think it came out great! It still needs to be washed and blocked but I just couldn't wait to show you!

I had enough yarn left over to make a matching hat! HEEHEE! Oh these grandbabies are going to be dressed year round!