Another Dale of Norway sweater completed! This is my first attempt at using Stork Yarn but I think that I am in love! Oh so soft and easy to work with - what a pleasure. Dalegarn NR 142- Pattern 14208. Knit on size 1 needles with a great lacey pattern at the bottom, this is going to be so sweet on a newborn.

Fun lace work -----------
but you really have to pay attention to the 12 row repeat! This is why I tend not to do lace work - It can make me crazy if I miss one stitch. Hubby was amazed to see so much of it done but to be really honest - I had to turn off the tv, phone, and be as quiet as possible so I didn't screw this up!

Two new Vintage Knitting Totes have been added to my collection. To the left is an English style tapestry knitting tote. The English style totes have a round bottom and a square top giving them a wonderful look. They also used all leather for the strap and top which makes them much more sturdy than the "pleather" totes that were made in the USA. And this one is so funky, I just had to have it. I wasn't really so sure that it was a knitting tote until it arrived in the mail. I have never seen anything like this one - so I took a chance and got it! When it arrived, I ripped the packaging open and to my surprise it really is a knitting tote! The riveted hole on the top gave it away. I am not a big golf fan but this tote just had to be added to the collection. A pocket it the front and a pocket in the back make it very useful to carry around needles and extras. It is in great shape and I am glad I took a chance on it!