I am trying desperately to finish 2 sweaters and the more that I knit them - the more there seems to be to knit. I keep thinking that I am getting closer to the finish when it seems that I just have soooooo much more yarn and pattern to complete.
Hubby's sweater's last sleeve just seems to go on and on and on and the latest baby Dale of Norway sweater is on size one needles.......I don't have to say any more do I?
So today you get YARN!! I found the top yarn at a cute little store in Vermont and it is anxiously awaiting the needles. Supersoft merino sock yarn.....MMMMMMMM.......I want to start them so badly that I swear the yarn gets closer and closer to my favorite knitting space everyday - Is it magic or am I just petting it too much? OOOOOH how I want to start these socks!
The yarn below is a Lambs Pride Yarn that is going to become a Christmas present! The color is Peacock Blue and there will be more pics after December 25.

All of my longing to finish projects had to take a break this week because I finally broke down and bought Mason Dixon Knitting. I just had to make a dishcloth!
All this angst because I promised myself not to have more than 3 projects on the needles at one time! I must curb my enthusiasm and be just a little more sensible - BAH..I think I'll start the socks!