My husband is an avid collector of 1950's and 1960's records. He spent hour after hour on ebay searching for the records of his dreams. His ebaying didn't bother me one bit - it allowed me to knit peacefully on some nights while he searched ebay for rare copies of Elvis and Beatles records. He was happy and so was I!
I was truly just a beginner knitter and was discovering the properties of different knitting needles. Bamboo, Rosewood, Nickel-plated, long and short, circular and double point were all new to me. I was having a hard time finding these precious items at the Local Yarn Stores - so darling husband thought he would help me by introducing ebay to me. BIG MISTAKE!!
I found all sorts of lovely needles, knitting estate sales, and OH MY GOD - Vintage Knitting Totes! I cannot make any sense of this obsession to collect them but I am absolutely spellbound with these totes from the past.
Maybe it is a need for something from the past or simply a love of gorgeous vintage fabrics. Everytime I find a vintage tote - I am fascinated with the idea that someone owned it long ago. I wonder if it was a Christmas present or simply a treat for the knitter who had to perform the task to provide warmth and clothing for her family. I wonder how much love came from the knitted items made from these totes.
I have tried (rather unsucessfully) to discover the manufacturer of these totes or when they came into being. An elderly lady told me that originally, in her family, the women covered Quaker Oats boxes with oilcloth and poked a hole in the top - so that their yarn would stay clean and untangled while knitting.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and learn just a little bit about something from the past. Should you find yourself in an antique/collectors store and inquire about one of these for yourself - and the salesperson tells you that he sold one to a very crazy/overenthusiastic psycho last week - just know that I was there first!
P.S. If you should feel the need to get rid of one of your totes or have some knowledge about their history - Please e-mail me!
What a wonderful collection. I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for vintage totes. I wouldn't mind owning one [or two].
p.s. your un-block of the coments seems to have worked cause I'm posted this time
What a cool collection! I've never seen totes like these.
I have a feeling there will be a lot more competiton on ebay for these now that you posted about them!
I just love your totes! I have been thinking about a small suitcase I own called a "train case" that is designed for ladies cosmetics. It is boxy and square, and I can tell you it has never seen a train, but it would be a great thing to hold my current WIP.
I understand the thrill of a room of your own (you noted you now use your daughter's former room for your knitting stuff). Virginia Woolf believed we should all have a room of our own. Mine is filled with yarn and beads!
Great Blog, and it sounds like you have put in the sweat and tears to rekindle your marriage and have raised two terrific kids! Enjoy your evenings knitting!
~Deborah (from Knitty boards)
I read the intro to your entry and thought, "hey, I used to collect those too!" As I scrolled down I thought, "wow, her collection is really great." I continued to read and thought, "gee, I wonder if she might have any from the collection I sold on ebay." AND THERE IT WAS! My (now your) lil paisley sock-tote!!! I couldn't be gladder that it went to someone as wild for it as I was. So great to run into you - again! ;~)
~ honeybee33 ~
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