Sunday, April 16, 2006


Two years ago, my darling children flew from the nest. My daughter graduated from college, my son graduated from high school, daughter got married, and son went off to college. I lost 45 pounds, got healthy, exercised everyday, and rekindled the flame with my darling hubby. I spent more time working my way up the nursing clinical ladder and took on more responsibility in the ICU. Something was missing.......
It had been years since I had done anything remotely creative. I have always sewn, painted, done floral arranging, quilted, etc..... If it was a craft then I have done it. I even had a floral design business that I ran out of my home when my children were little. Then I went on to nursing school while raising 2 kids, working, trying to save my marriage........ No more creativity for me.
Last Febuary, my darling daughter said that she would teach me how to knit. As a child, I had tried to knit but could never make anything that didn't have a giant hole growing in the middle of it. (I think that I never had the patience to perfect it the way that I could with other crafts).
My daughter lovingly showed me knit and purl - I was hooked!
Now I have a room dedicated to my new found love! (It happens to be my daughter's old room)
I always have a knitting project in my purse and my creativity has become a joyous thing! I look forward to quiet evenings filled with knitting and wonderful weekends spent searching yarn stores with my lovely daughter or my wonderful husband for the perfect colored alpaca yarn for a baby sweater I want to knit for future grandbabies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great story. Congrats on rekindling the flame with your DH. I think something would be missing for me as well if I didn't have knitting in my life.