In my typical yarn-aholic fashion, I have amassed great quantities of Encore Worsted yarn. I don't know how it happened but it did. So I have set out to find patterns for kids and babies using my stash. I found this great pattern called "Grandma's Raglan" at The Elegant Ewe in Concord, NH. It has sizes children's 1 thru adult size XXL. So I dug into my stash of Encore and pulled out some plum and white to knit up this adorable size 2 kids sweater with stars. Cute sweater, easy to follow directions, and a way to use up some of my Encore stash - What more could a gal want?

Lucky for me, as I was going through my Christmas knit list (those people that I love very much and appreciate the fact that these items took me days to make) I thought that this would be perfect for a scarf for my good friend, Gloria. She loved it! It is just her style and she wears scarves every day.
I used a pattern from the Yarn Harlots blog from October of 2006. I had used this pattern once before and had fallen in love with it!

Mom- why have i not yet recieved a sweater? I, of all people, who would love, cherish, and appreciate all the hard work that goes into a sweater? Me, the knitter. My unborn children have more sweaters than I. They don't even have appendages yet, so really? they just need something like a very small coaster to keep them warm. And frankly, I am heatin'em up all by myself. So if you really want to contribute to the yet to be concieved babies- make ME a sweater goddamit. My legal counsel will be contacting you shortly on grounds that you are being agist and discriminatory as you only seem to be concerned with people under the age of zero.
Your cold, shivering, incubator of future grandchildren,
Dear Darling Daughter,Lyndsay,
I would gladly make you a sweater - my love. No need to get riled up but as I remember - you were the one who taught ME how to knit and I thought you were perfectly capable of knitting your own. No need to call in law enforcement - I have some lovely puce and purple yarn that would make a lovely sweater just for you - and a fair isle pattern that is to die for! Snakes with little frogs - I have been trying to figure out what to do with that yarn. Oh joy - off I go to get it started. Thankyou for bringing this to my attention. I would never leave you cold and shivering Mom
That is so cute....I always hear from my girls that they need socks, socks and more socks....Love your sweater....those grandbabies are going to be fashion plates...
I love the cute little sweater with the stars on it!
Now, off to the yarn store you go. Get some adult-size amounts of yarn, or it looks like you'll be in trouble!
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