This picture does not do these gorgeous socks justice. The blue is a deep luxurious steel blue and the pattern is so pretty!

These socks are Fiber Trends Angel's Rest Socks. I used Tofutsies bamboo yarn on size 1 needles. A simple repeat pattern with a fair outcome.
I am not too sure about the bamboo yarn.. I have another skein from a different brand that I am working on right now. I hope they turn out better than these. This bamboo yarn is rough on the hands and not particularly soft to the toes. Oh well - live and learn!

The good old Thuja pattern from Knitty.com made from a KnitPicks yarn for darling son. I made him a great pair for Christmas and gave him directions on how to wash them by hand but somehow they ended up felted after being thrown in with his regular laundry! I finally get him to wear hand made socks and he felts them! Hope he likes these

These are size 6 months baby socks made from some leftover Lorna's Lace sock yarn. OOOOOH so soft and sweet!
For those of you who have e-mailed me about my lack of posts - I am sorry. My mom suffered a stroke at the end of Janruary and driving back and forth to her Neuro Rehab Center and taking care of her needs has left me without much time for anything except migraines and work. I really should be working on a work related project right now but my head just isn't in the game. No migraine today and it is snowing again - maybe I will stay in my jammies and knit all day!