Here are my Hopscotch Socks - a pattern from Patterworks Yarn Shop in Meredith, NH. The store is very pricey but sometimes you can find patterns there that are unique. I really try to limit my budget in this shop although I can spend hours just looking at all of their lovely yarns and patterns.
These are definitely the hardest socks I have ever made - the stitch pattern and the size one needles made me want to pitch them off a bridge on many occasions. Made with Lorna's Lace yarn - they are soft and absolutely gorgeous! Oh, these are a Christmas present for me. I think that these need to be mounted and framed - never to be worn - only to be looked at to be ooohed and aaahed over!
A close up of the stitch pattern. Only a 2 row repeat but those 2 rows were painfully tiny and the old reading glasses came out whenever I was working on them!

Not this year babe! A hat and mitten set - only knit when he was at work.
The hat is called a Canadian Winter Hat from Book 2: The Purl Stitch - Sally Melvilles book. He will look gorgeous in it!

Knit Picks Men's Convertible Fingerless Gloves in Shamrock Reilly ( Knit Picks Yarn). I was surprised at how easy these were to make and love the look and feel of the yarn. The pictures really don't do the yarn justice!

My sister refused to take my mother out shopping anymore until she gets a new winter hat. My mother loves her old winter hat but looks a little like Lemony Snickets when she goes out.
Cascade 220 yarn and Knitty.com's pattern Coronet. Size 6 needles. What a great knit. This pattern is easier than it looks and gives great results! I still need to wash and block it but wanted to let you see it.
PS - Our son is in the hospital and may not be home by Christmas. Any good thoughts and prayers for him would be greatly appreciated.